Sunday, November 3, 2013

Primary School Movie Night

For my service The Forgotten Children on the 24th of October we had a movie afternoon for the primary school. We watch the movie Brave and we had a mini bake sale, I brought cupcakes. This was a starter for our service and we raised 18 thousand Rs.

This was to invest more funds for out ultimate goal which is to create a shelter for children who have been in child sex tourism and this would be a safe place for them to stay and be looked after. Overall the movie night starter was a success.

Monday, September 30, 2013

IB Diploma Orientation

IB Diploma Orientation 

On the 4th of September till the 6th of September the DYP1 group went on IB Orientation to Boardlands, in Kitulgala. The trip was for the class to get to know each other and learn new skills and experience fun and adventure together.


Day 1: After being in the van for almost three hours we arrived at the beginning point for White Water Rafting, which was our first activity. After Tea and snacks we made our way down to the river and split off into groups and begun to make our way down the river, I really enjoyed rafting thankfully my raft did not flip. We stopped for lunch half way to boraderlands and after that we went for a hike to up to do canyoning. Once we got back to the river we floated the rest of the way to camp. When we got to boarderland we went and had a nice cold shower and changed. We then met in the Long House and had a debrief and afterwards dinner. I unfortunately had managed to hurt my ankle, while canyoning. We then all went to bed for rest for the eventful next day.

Day 2: Waking up in the morning at 6:30 how fun!! Today we were going to go hike up to caves in the mountain and the go Abseiling on a waterfall. My ankle was still playing up so I kinda took it easy. We took the buses part of the way then walked to rest. Once we were at the cave we were told to use our sense perception. We did an activity in the cave were we partnered up and had were given a picture that we had to describe to our blindfolded partner. The cave was interesting and I liked the activity. After stopping for a lunch of sandwiches the started to make their way up to the waterfall, I took the car with Wade the owner of Boarderlands and Mrs. Williams our Head of school because my ankle was still hurting. At the top of the of the waterfall it was really beautiful. And then it started to rain, really heavily so we were all huddled together for warmth. I did not abseil that time because of my ankle but I have been before so I didn't mind that much. When we were back at camp we had hot soup and showered and changed and settled for a rainy night.

Day 3: Waking up and going for a run (or a hobble in my case) at 6:30 YAY!!! Today we were going to interview the people of the community, my group had the Justice of the Peace. after a short car ride we made it to the Justice of the Peace's house conduct out interview. I found him interesting and the family was very welcoming. Back at the camp we had lunch and finished packing up out belongings and paying are bar bill, we said goodbye to boardlands and hopped in the bus for a 3 hour journey back to school. The ride was uneventful, we played 20 questions and eat lots of food. we arrived at school on time and after a quick stop to McDonalds I went home to sleep in my wonderful bed.

My Goals for DYP

My goals for my CAS, Creativity, Action and Service.

My goal for Creativity is to better my drawing skill, I am  doing this by joining Drawing Club after school on a Monday. I really Enjoy art but i need to improve in my skills so I can do better in art class.

My goal for Action is to better my archery skills. I am currently shooting at a distance of 18 meter, my goal is to increase my shooting distance to 50 meters within two years. I hope to be able to take home the skill with me after the two years and continue archery in Australia, hopefully reaching a 70 meter distance for shooting.

My goal for Service, The Forgotten Children a service for children in Sri Lanka who are or have been prostituted, is to  help raise money for the services five year project to build a center to help children that have been prostituted. But since I will only be in the service for two years I want to help as much as I can be hopefully getting to know some of the kids and be able to help them with there trauma. I would like to help create the connection with the schools where the kids go so we can do activities to help them grow.